Aug 5, 2012

Nigerian Law School Job Vacancies at Abuja

The Council of Legal Education Head Quarters, Nigerian LawSchool Garki, Abuja invites applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies at Nigerian Law School: Lecturer II, Lecturer I, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Librarian, Librarian II, Medical Doctors, Pharmacist, Nurses, Civil Engineering II, Electrical Engineer II

1.) Lecturer II - CONUASS 3

Applicants must possess a good honours degree in Law not below Second Class Lower Division (2:2) from a recognized University, Qualifying certificate from the Nigerian Law School and a master’s degree in Law.
Minimum of 3 years of active legal practice and or teaching and relevant research is also required. Evidence of academic publication will be an advantage.

2.) Lecturer I - CONUASS 4

Applicants must possess a good honours degree in Law not below Second Class Lower Division (2:2) from ma recognized University, Qualifying certificate from the Nigerian Law School and a master’s degree in Law.
A minimum of 7 years of active legal practice and or teaching and relevant research plus 3years publication in reputable journals in the later case is also required.

3.) Senior Lecturer - CONUASS 5

Applicants must possess a good honours degree in Law not below Second Class Lower Division (2:2) from ma recognized University, Qualifying certificate from the Nigerian Law School and a master’s degree in Law.
A minimum of 10 years of active legal practice and or teaching and relevant research with evidence of at least 7 years publications in reputable journals in the later case is also required.
4.) Assistant Librarian - CONUASS 1

Applicant must possess a good honours degree in library Science or its equivalent not below Second Class Lower Division (2:2)

5.) Librarian II - CONUASS 2

Applicants must possess a good honors degree in Library Science or its equivalent with at least 3 years experience, or a Master degree in library Science with at least 2 years experience.

6.) Medical Doctors – CONMESS 2

Applicant must possess MBBS with full registration with the relevant medical professional body.

7.) Pharmacist - CONHESS 9

Applicants must possess a degree in Pharmacy, and must be Registered with the Pharmacist Registration board of Nigeria.

8.) Nurses - CONHESS 7

Applicants must possess NRN & NRM with a minimum of 3years satisfactory service

9.) Civil Engineering II – CONTISS 7 

Applicants must possess good honours degree in Civil Engineering not below Second Class Lower Division (2:2) from a recognized University.
A minimum of 3years cognate experience is required.

10.) Electrical Engineer II – CONTISS 7

Applicants must possess good honours degree in Electrical Engineering not below Second class Lower Division (2:2) form a recognized University.
A minimum of 3 years cognate experience is required.

Conditions of Services
Appointment will be full time and pensionable, subject to probationary period  of two years, after which upon satisfactory work and conduct, the appointment may be confirmed. Other conditions of service are similar to those existing in Nigerian universities and as may be prescribed from time to time by the council of Legal Education.

Mode of Application
Applicants should submit 15 copies other hand-written applications, curriculum vitae and certificates.
Applications and supporting documents should be forwarded to the

Secretary to the Council/Director of Administration
Council of Legal Education, Nigerian Law School, Bwari,
P.M.B. 170, Garki-Abuja

to reach him not later than 24th of August, 2012.
Applicants that fail to meet the requirements will not be considered.


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